Who is invited to the Lord's Table?
All are invited;
the young and the old,
the rich and the poor,
the lowest and the least;
sinners and saints together in communion.
Come find your place here
where there are no strangers or foreigners,
only brothers and sisters in the sight of God.
Why do we give thanks at this table?
We give thanks because Jesus showed us the way,
we give thanks because Jesus is the Way.
Jesus was a gift from God for the world.
He was called Immanuel, “God with us”.
He came to save us from our sins.
Jesus lived a life of thankfulness
and gave his life as a sacrifice for many.
We give thanks that he is our Saviour, Christ the Lord.
Why do we eat and drink at this table?
We eat because on the night before Jesus died,
he ate with his friends.
He gave them bread and said,
“This is my body which is given for you.
Do this in remembrance of me.”
At that same meal he took a cup of wine and said,
“Drink this cup. This is my blood of the covenant,
which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
What do we remember at this table?
We remember Jesus’ birth and his presence as God with us.
We remember Jesus’ life and his love.
We remember Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross.
We remember the resurrection and the promise of life.
We remember that we are waiting in hope to see Jesus again.
Let us pray:
God of grace, thank you for this bread and wine,
and for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ.
God of hope, fill us with your Spirit today
that we might have the wisdom to understand the mystery of this Table,
and the depth and height and breadth and length of your love for us.
Through this meal, strengthen us to be followers of Jesus,
a community of peace in a broken world.
[communion is served]
Closing prayer:
Jesus, you truly are Immanuel “God with us”.
In this season of hope, may the meal we`ve shared together
nourish us to be your body in the world,
your kingdom come,
your will done on earth as it is in heaven.
With the angels in heaven we join in singing your praises,
Glory to God in the highest.
Alleluia! Alleluia!