This service is approximately 30 minutes, depending on how long people share. It’s designed to be very little work for you. Everyone is so tired right now, this needs to be a no muss, no fuss service. You can have one person read everything, if that’s easier.
I’ve chosen music that I think would fit, but you may have other videos you would like to use (just be careful not to insert cheery Christmas carols, or it defeats the purpose of the words). Check with your church’s copyright license for permissions to play the videos.
It’s going to be less stressful if you have someone in charge of playing the videos, who can share their screen, and have the videos cued up in separate tabs, ready to play without having to negotiate the ads.
I hope this service ministers to you and other people who are having a hard season. You can cut and paste it into a word document, or email me at [email protected] and I can send you a Word document.
Suggested opening music while people are coming in to the zoom room:
an instrumental version of Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
(for eg. Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming (3:46)
Jules Amaro)
Leader: Welcome to this virtual prayer service.
The Christmas season is upon us.
Christmas is a time where we want to be merry and bright,
but in this pandemic year, that can feel impossible.
Many people are weighed down with anxiety and grief,
and it’s hard to remember the reason for the season.
Celebrations that usually happen at this time of year are cancelled
or are being shoehorned into two dimensions on a screen.
Even this service would feel better if we were physically together.
But this is our reality.
I want to thank each of you for coming today;
we are here for each other in this time, in this space.
We are here to talk to God and to listen.
This service will consist of prayers, some readings and some music;
it will take around 30 minutes. Let’s begin.
Our call to worship is from Psalm 142: 5,6
I cry to you, O Lord;
I say, “You are my refuge,
my portion in the land of the living.”
Give heed to my cry,
for I am brought very low.
Let’s pray: Here we are, God, in the land of the living,
but we are walking through some pretty deep valleys.
It is a blue Christmas for many of us,
and we need your help.
Hear our cries in this service,
and make your presence known.
We pray this in the name of Jesus,
the awaited one, Amen.
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