Zooming to Bethlehem: A Virtual Christmas Pageant
by Carol Penner www.leadinginworship.com 2020
(email me and I can send you this as a Word document [email protected])
based on Luke 2:1-14, Matthew 2:1-12
Characters: Announcer
Innkeeper (in this version she is female, but you can change that)
Leah: Innkeeper’s daughter
Aaron: Innkeeper’s son
Guest 1
Guest 2
Guest 3
Shepherd 1: Larry
Shepherd 2: Darryl (can be male or female)
Shepherd 3: The Other Darryl (can be male or female)
Wise Person 1: Balthasar
Wise Person 2: Melchior
Wise Person 3: Casper
This pageant would work for children, or with an intergenerational cast. Casting a senior as a star, or adults as some characters would work fine, (and might make your virtual rehearsals a little less chaotic!)
Props: Headgear for actors to reflect their character.
The Star should be made of big yellow construction paper, with glitter, and a hole for someone’s face in the middle.
Flashlights in the homes of all the actors, so their faces can glow when they are in the presence of angels or the baby Jesus. The star always has a flashlight on their face.
Signs: “Zooming to Bethlehem”, Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, Act 4, Act 5
A baby doll wrapped in a plain cloth
A package wrapped in shiny paper
- Have an administrator on the call who will explain to audience that it is essential that everyone who is watching the pageant has their microphone muted and their camera off.
- For this play to work, audience must have their Zoom settings set to Speaker View. [This means that the speaker’s face is featured in a big window.]
- The actors keep their microphones on, but they have to be told to be very quiet when they are not speaking. Don’t even try to do the play with actors turning their microphones on and off because you know they won’t remember and they will say their lines and you won’t hear them.
- Actors must speak loudly so the microphone picks them up and Zoom automatically makes them the speaker. As you practice, make sure people don’t rustle their script papers by the microphone of their computer, or it will cause interference.
- It’s a good idea to have an extra person with a script who can jump in if someone’s internet connection goes down. If they jump into a new part, have them just say, “I’m Leah…” so people know who they are.
- Alternatively, you could perform this play on Zoom, with no audience and record it, and then it could be played for the church at a later time (the participants could then watch themselves). This might be a lot less stressful.
Act 1
Announcer: Welcome to our zoom pageant, today’s performance is called
“Zooming to Bethlehem”. [they hold up the title to the screen] We are starting, predictably, with “Act One.” [they put a sign with Act One very close to their screen.] Let me introduce the pageant players in Act One We have the Innkeeper, the Innkeeper’s children Leah and Aaron, as well as Mary, Joseph and three guests at the Inn. Act One Begins Now!
Innkeeper: [calling] Aaron? Leah? Aaron? Leah? Leah, are you there? Where are my children? They always disappear when you need them.
Leah: Hello! Can you hear me, mom?
Innkeeper: I think you’re muted! I can hardly hear you!
Leah: Oh, I was in the backyard. Now can you hear me?
Innkeeper: Finally! I’ve been looking for you and your brother Aaron! We have this whole inn to take care of, and we have visitors up to the ceiling, why aren’t you helping me?
Leah: I just went to the well to get some extra water. There were lots of people lined up, so I had to wait my turn.
Innkeeper: Well, that’s a good thing you went for water. With this crowd, you can’t have too much water. I’m boiling water for the laundry right now.
Guest 1: [loudly] Excuse me, Innkeeper, I need extra towels.
Guest 2: [whining] Innkeeper, these candles are burnt down, don’t you have new ones?
Guest 3: [angrily] I thought I was getting the deluxe suite! You call that a view? My window faces onto an adobe wall!
Innkeeper: Yes, yes, and yes, that is the best view! I will be right with you…Leah, I have to run.
Leah: No, mom wait… When I was at the well, just now, I met such a nice couple.
Innkeeper: What were you doing wasting time chatting with who knows who when I needed you here?
Leah: They looked to be in trouble, I just wanted to help.
Innkeeper: What kind of trouble?
Leah: Well, the woman is expecting a baby, and she was holding her stomach and kind of groaning.
Innkeeper: Oh, that kind of trouble!
Leah: I asked if I could help…I didn’t recognize them so I figured they are here for Caesar Augustus’s census.
Innkeeper: I told you not to mention that man’s name in this house. If he takes one more shekel in taxes I’ll…
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